Men aren't (yet) great at sharing their feelings. This results in overlooked mental illness. Skipper's teamed up with the Danish Mental Health Fund to change that.

(School assignment)

Skærmbillede 2021-05-13 kl. 19.34.50.png

The copy

Says ''How you doing captain?" - a very simple question, but something we're bad at asking others. Sometimes a simple sentence can mean the world to someone else. Below the headline we've written "More than 8 of 10 men are afraid of being perceived as weak if they tell about their mental problems. Give the pipe another sound and start the conversation with a licorice pipe." and a link to our campaignsite.


Is the second sender of the campaign. They are a private, disease-fighting organization that fights for all people to meet with understanding when they have a mental illness. With them as the second sender it shows proof that Skippers Pipes wants to shed light on a serious problem. That's why they're a perfect fit!

The tattoos

Each tattoo represents the feeling that the mental disorder gives a person.
Made with Clarissa Ekstrøm Daverne